I came across an interesting study via MarketingVox on the blogger demographic. a report published by Marketing Charts and Big Research points to a recent study on bloggers. Aside from the basic info below, the report shows that blogger are an ethnically diverse group that are well-educated. Much of the information seems like a given, like bloggers more prominently use new media and technology, but it's interesting nonetheless.
Of those who blog occasionally or regularly (26% of the population):
- 53.7% are male.
- Nearly half (44.7%) are married.
- One in 10 (10.4%) are students.
- 28.4% hold a professional or managerial position.
One of the key items is the fact that bloggers still rely on traditional media as a source for information. Magazines are one of the top triggers for online search activity for this group.
I fall in to most of the "categories" that this report calls out. I'm curious to know if this is information that companies or brands would use in targeting bloggers to reach out to. What do you think? Something we already knew or an opportunity waiting to be grabbed?
def an opportunity waiting to be grabbed. There is convincing research out there on the effect bloggers have on business, etc. but how will this evolve?
Posted by: Kelliann | March 04, 2008 at 09:29 PM